1Okereke, Emmanuel Ugochukwu;&2Okoli, Ugochukwu Richard
Department of Political Science
Nasarawa State University, Keffi
Nasarawa State
2Department of Public Administration
Federal Polytechnic Oko, Anambra State
Corresponding Author’s E-mail: flashugoz@gmail.com
Developing countries are largely confronted with problems of poverty, low level of economic growth, high level of unemployment, high level of insecurity, low industrial base, among others, a situation that places them at a difficult position in their relations with more developed states. Economic crisis affects developing countries more than it affects developed countries, and this exposes them more to exploitation, hence the need for countries with common challenges to come together to solve their problems. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the Association of South-East Asian States (ASEAN) has managed the challenge of economic crisis among developing countries in South-East Asia through regionalintegration. Data for the paper was collected from secondary data and analysed using content analysis. Among other things, it was discovered that ASEAN removed unnecessary tariffs amongst its member states; established ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) through which its members enjoyed preferential access; made declaration on South China Sea; ASEAN created a regional production network whereby different firms producing different products in the value chain in different locations within the region to trade among themselves through common trade infrastructure. However, ASEAN was confronted with many challenges in ensuring regional economic integration in South-East Asia including socio-economic constrain, insecurity, conflict of interests among its members, and lack of strong institutions to enforce its rules. Among other things, it was recommended that member states of ASEAN should pool their sovereignty in such a way to achieve harmony among them to avoid internal power tussle.
Citation of article: Okereke, E. U. et al. (2022).Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), Economic Crisis and Regional Integration.African Journal of Politics and Administrative Studies (AJPAS), 15(1):1-16.
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