1Ali, John Ogayi, 2Aligwe Augustine Ezeora, 3Nwiphuru Christopher Ogodo
1Department of Mass Communication, Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti, EkitiState, Nigeria.
2Department of Liberal Studies, Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria
3Department of Mass Communication, Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria
Corresponding Author’s E-mail: ajohn6253@gmail.com
This study examined digital media and mass communication. The specific objectives are to exploring types of digital media it implication on mass communication and to identify the power of Digital media on mass Communication. Digital technology has made impact on how we consume media. It has provided new ways of communications with others. This study adopted qualitative research design. The field of qualitative research is characterized by the use of many different theoretical perspectives. The findings revealed that digital media has both positive and negative impacts on Mass communication, yet one should realize its importance in the present world. After the internet creation, it resulted in the development of social media. The draw to social media and the internet caused networks to change their methods of promotion and engagement with the audiences. While networks still have multiple channels and radio stations, they needed to ensure that they were current and important aspect in today’s society. It has provided new ways of communications with others. Whether through blogs, social media, photo sharing, video sharing, communication has become more broad and effective through digital technology. The Internet has provided the foundation for the expansion of digital technology. Mass media has changed and been able to offer more information to more people through the Internet. It is recommended that digital media usage in mass communication activities should be improved. The businesses should devise ways to use the platforms beyond their present contacts base.
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