Abdullahi M. Yammah1, Canice Erunke2, Prince Godwin Giniwa3, Metuaghan O. Emmanuel4
1, 2, & 4Department of Political Science, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria
3Faculty of Law, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Corresponding Author’s E-mail:princegodwingininwa@yahoo.com
The Niger Delta region in Nigeria makes significant contribution to Nigeria’s economy through oil and gas production but has long been plagued by various socio-economic challenges, including environmental degradation, poverty, and conflict. In response to these issues, the federal government has implemented intervention programs aimed at addressing the region’s needs. This work aims to explore and analyze the role of federal government intervention programmes in the Niger Delta with a focus on their effectiveness and sustainability as well as the impacts overtime that has remained questionable. The paper used literature review to ascertain existing federal government intervention programmes. Case studies were used to highlight the various intervention programmes implemented in the region. Quantitative data from government reports and databases were used to gather datato identify the role of successive administration in Nigeria in enhancing development through the establishment of various intervention agencies and policy recommendations with the intention improving the plight of the people. The paper employed Structural Functional theory by Gabriel Almond to access structures and functions performed in the region where resources contribute to the Nation’s economy from oil and gas generated revenue. The issue of militancy attackon oil assets as well as government’s intervention by granting Amnesty Program to the agitators for peace, the protection of lives and property and security to region in the region suffice as major interventions in the Niger Delta.This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on Federal Government intervention programmes in the Niger Delta, offering a critical analysis of the past and present initiatives, identifying gaps and challenges, and proposing actionable recommendations for future policy formulation and implementation. The ultimate goal is to facilitate positive change, promote inclusive growth, and achieve lasting peace, stability, and prosperity in the Niger Delta region and Nigeria as a whole
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